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Special Offer 3 Bottles Olive Oil

Lebanon’s first super high-density Olive farm, located in Beqaa, Jdeideh El Fekha. With 12,000 arbequina Spanish Olive Trees on 90,000 m2 of land, we produce Arbequina Ultra-premium extra virgin olive oil. Its light, smooth texture, fruity fragrances, and delicate flavor make it perfect for mild yet flavorful meals.


36.0 $


We are the first super high density Olive farm in Lebanon

Located in Lebanon, Beqaa, jdeideh el fekha.

Land area 90,000 m2, 12000 arbequina Spanish Olive Tree.

Arbequina Ultra-premium extra virgin olive oil is a light, smooth olive oil with fruity fragrances, a vibrant green color, and a delicate and pleasant flavor. Nut fragrances predominate, while notes of ripe fruit can also be detected depending on the type.

This type of extra virgin olive oil is characterized by being a sweet olive oil, it does not have any bitter aftertaste as it can happen to other types of olive oils. In some cases it can happen that the Arbequina oil leaves a small peak in the throat, which indicates that it is a fresh olive oil.

Arbequina olive is a small olive which does not reach even two grams. Despite not being very large, you can extract much more oil than other olives because it is very greasy; It is also one of the first in the harvest of the season.

This type of olive oil, from the Arbequina olive, is one of the most successful choices for all those who like the mild olive oil and give a good flavor to the meals.


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